The Foundation

The Open Internet Foundation is a Swiss-based not-for-profit organization that supports the expansion of an open internet through the development of digital products and services that empower users.

Strategic partners:

Strategic partners:

Building a new digital ecosystem

An ecosystem that redefines the relationship between digital platforms and their users by building products that respect the user’s sovereignty.


We believe digital platforms should be open and empower users to control their digital presence.


A fundamental principle that guides us on our mission is to support permissionless access to digital goods and services.


The Open Internet Foundation champions the power of communities to lead and govern themselves.


We believe digital platforms should be open and empower users to control their digital presence.


A fundamental principle that guides us on our mission is to support permissionless access to digital goods and services.


The Open Internet Foundation champions the power of communities to lead and govern themselves.

Our digital future will be defined by our power to claim and protect our identity, freedom and privacy. The Open Internet Foundation will deploy its resources to support the development of tools that will shape the future Internet.

Our first project

distrikt is a decentralized, professional social network that empowers professionals to connect and collaborate on their own terms.
distrikt is the first professional social media network built 100% on blockchain. This is made possible due to the unique capabilities of the Internet Computer.

Board members

The Open Internet Foundation is a Swiss-based not-for-profit organization that supports the expansion of an open internet through the development of digital products and services that empower users.

Nick Myers
Board member
Alina Popescu
Board member
Diego Benz.
Board member

"In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed, it must be achieved"

-Franklin D. Roosevelt

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